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How to manage hormonal weight gain?

Have you noticed unexplainable weight gain around your midsection that is difficult to get rid of? 

Or have you noticed weight gain that is difficult to get rid of?

Here’s something important you should know:

Women after a certain age often experience rapid weight gain which is hard to lose and that’s why many women are left feeling confused and frustrated. 

But, in this article, we are going to give you the exact information you need to learn how to deal with this unpleasant situation. 

Don’t worry, there is a way to get rid of that stubborn extra weight!

So, keep on reading…

Many women around the world have a hard time dealing with unexplained weight gain and that’s why we decided to share with you one story of a woman dealing with this problem. Yes… because you’re not alone.

She had been active all her life, but after reaching a certain age, she started experiencing intense cravings for food that were not there before. 

At first, she didn’t think too much about it. But at one point, she felt like she was walking around with a weight vest and the extra weight was draining her!

She started to worry because this drastic weight gain could increase her chances of cardiovascular and metabolic disease and overall poor health! 

So she began doing everything that was supposed to help her lose the weight. She worked out tirelessly and adopted an extreme low carb diet for several months. 

In fact, at one point she got even heavier!

Nothing would budge after all these tries... Understandably, she was desperate!

Even experts told her that these body changes are inevitable and she just had to deal with this… Their advice was to only control portion sizes and to exercise regularly, but she was already doing these and nothing seemed to work. “Is that really all the advice you have?”, she was asking in despair.

She knew many women give up trying to fight this unfair battle. But she didn’t want to be one of them, so she began educating herself on nutrition, weight management and hormonal balance.

Why hormonal balance, though?


Your weight is directly related to your hormones. 

This is a fact many of us forget as we embark on the often slow and frustrating path to weight loss. Maintaining a healthy weight for our unique body type requires a delicate balance of hormones.

Hi, I’m a hormonal balance specialist and women’s health expert. I’ve helped hundreds of women gain control over all kinds of hormone imbalances.

Do you remember the times in your 20s when you could live on takeout and still slip into a pair of skinny jeans as long as you hit the gym 2-3 times a week? So easy to be young, right? However, the calories in vs calories out approach might not work forever, especially for women over a certain age. 

That’s because female metabolic rate drops and estrogen levels decrease as well. 

For example, one doctor from Piedmont Hospital in Georgia, USA, suggests that most women’s metabolism will drop by 10% each decade after 20. 

What’s more, cortisol levels are elevated, which means high blood sugar level, high blood pressure and more susceptibility to cravings.

While cortisol levels are already elevated, intense workouts are proven to increase cortisol levels, which then makes you crave more foods that lead to weight gain.

A no-carb diet might not work as well. Maybe you’ve heard that a diet with no bread, pasta and snacks is the magic solution to all weight gain problems…Not necessarily!

In fact, many women experience weight gain after trying all these diets!

And it all comes down to your HORMONES. 

This type of weight gain is a consequence of low circulating estrogen levels due to progressive loss of ovarian function. These hormonal changes, the decline in physical activity and recurrent emotional eating episodes associated with psychological distress are shown to contribute to the increase in total body fat and waist circumference. 

This hormonal imbalance regulates hunger and satiety signals and it makes sense that women have such intense cravings!

The higher accumulation of fat in the abdominal area is also promoted by the hormonal imbalances.

As we mentioned, with age, estrogen in women decreases. At the same time, estrogen deficiency promotes metabolic dysfunction which predisposes to obesity, the metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. 

Low estrogen levels and high androgen levels lead to fat accumulation in the gluteal and thigh areas to abdominal areas of the body. And, studies suggest that higher abdominal fat is positively correlated with hypertension, insulin resistance, and pro-atherogenic lipid profile, which are well-established risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. 

Bone-related issues such as joint and back pain, osteoporosis, and fractures are also driven by a decrease in estrogen levels. 

We know coping with hormonal weight gain is a great challenge! While eating healthy and exercising regularly is always a good idea, one must know that maintaining a healthy weight is undoubtedly related to achieving hormonal balance.

So how can women slim down, ‘deflate’ their hormonal belly naturally, and remain that way for good?

The answer is simple.

If an imbalance in your hormones is the ‘devil’ behind the weight gain and cravings women experience at one point of their life…

The secret to melting the weight around their middle and maintaining weight loss is to balance their hormones.

The best way to do this?


Inositols are sugar-like compounds that are widely distributed in nature and are present in our body as well. They are known to play a role in enzyme activation that controls glucose metabolism. 

Inositols are proven to regulate the hormones, reduce insulin resistance and help you maintain a healthy weight. They’re also famous for their ability to improve the endocrine and metabolic parameters in women with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), regulate the menstrual cycle and improve fertility.

And still, we decided to dig even deeper into the clinical research of inositols so you can better understand what they’re all about and how they can help you in your weight loss journey.

There are 2 most represented types of Inositol - Myo and D-Chiro Inositol. Each one of them is greatly beneficial for our health. 

Myo is well known for its key role in fertility, it helps maintain healthy ovulation and is really helpful in improving estrogen and testosterone levels.

D-Chiro also helps regulate the hormones, it's great for metabolic balance and ovarian functionality. 

These inositols have been studied extensively in endocrine as well as in metabolic disorders and have been widely used for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, PCOS and those with or at risk of gestational diabetes. 

Inositols are thought to be the second messenger of insulin, thus, can improve insulin resistance, which is actually associated with abnormalities in inositol metabolism. 

They are famous for their ability to improve estrogen and testosterone levels and can help with weight loss.

Studies show that a combination of these two in the ratio of 40:1 can help improve insulin resistance, serum androgen levels and many features of metabolic syndrome, thus also reducing cardiovascular risk.

Introducing Herboxa Hormone Balance! A formula that’s been delicately designed to help you regain your confidence, improve your hormonal balance and help you feel better overall!

The best product on the market is called Herboxa Hormone Balance and it is made in the natural ratio 40:1 myo-inositol to d-chiro inositol. One bottle contains 60 vegetarian capsules which are completely vegan, sugar free, gluten free and NON-GMO.

Why do I need to start taking Herboxa Hormone Balance right now?

  • If you feel like you're walking around with a weight vest and the stubborn extra fat is draining you, making you feel stressed and frustrated

  • If you want to get your confidence back and feel good in the clothes you wear

  • If you just feel “off” and go through annoying mood swings 

  • If you know that your hormones are out of balance (and you already know that a hormonal imbalance can lead to a variety of different abnormalities and unpleasant consequences)

Then this formula might be the one for you!

So if you need a safe and natural way to help you balance your hormones and support your weight loss goals, look no further - get yourself Herboxa Hormone Balance.

How to use: 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening. 

Take advantage of this amazing offer and save yourself some time, effort, and money.


“I was skeptical about trying yet another supplement, but after hearing positive things about Herboxa's Hormone Balance, I decided to give it a shot. I'm so glad I did! This has been a steady support in managing my hormonal weight gain. It's not a magic solution, but it's certainly made a noticeable difference. I feel like my metabolism is getting back on track, and I'm seeing the scale move in the right direction. For any woman struggling with similar issues, I highly recommend giving this supplement a try.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“As someone who has faced the frustrations of hormonal weight gain, discovering this supplement has been a blessing. It's not just about the weight loss, although that's been wonderful; it's about feeling more like myself again. My energy levels have improved, my moods are more stable, and the stubborn pounds are finally starting to budge. It's been a gradual process, but the results are real. This blend has become a trusted part of my daily routine.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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